Branding by T Jörgensen - How to achieve Creative Clarity for effective Branding & Marketing 1.
I am creating a series of pdf's, videos, keynote presentations and handbooks for those who want to learn how to, or what is needed in order to create a successful branding strategy launching your platforms of websites and social media platforms. It will be a series of courses for those who build their personal brands, may it be personal coaches, influencers or rockbands.

I will give you a short example what these pdf's will look like and what type of information you will learn from taking these series of courses

Additional coaches and experts in our network will share their expertise as well, besides my own teaching. Here is an example of Michi's own branded version with highlights from her area of expertise.

Some categories will get their own special interest training. Here a special in-depth version adapted for heavy metal bands and industry professionals.